Thankfully, my awareness has grown and I am integrating safer products into my household that are better for our bodies and our world- organic foods, eco-friendly cleaning products (white vinegar, baking soda, lemon, surprisingly it is that simple), participating in recycling and reducing our consumption. I feel that we are off to a good start and there is much more to discover and uncover. Here are a few things that caught my attention.
California has banned chemicals called phthalates in children's products. Phthalates are commonly found in nail polishes, adhesives, caulk, paint pigments, sex toys, teething rings and baby care products (shampoo, talc, and lotion). Oh, just so you know, there is a warning on the sex toy packages that advises consumers to cover the sex toy with a condom when used internally, due to possible health risks (of the chemicals in the toys). I do not remember seeing a warning on my little one's plastic teething rings. Phthalates are linked to cancer and reproductive defects.
Plastic is pure chemicals, plain and simple.
Natural wooden teething rattles and first toys, shown here from Camden Rose and North Star Toys are safe and aesthetically beautiful . Camden Rose also has wooden bowls and spoons. Remember to seal your wood items with natural, food safe beeswax.
Natural wooden teething rattles and first toys, shown here from Camden Rose and North Star Toys are safe and aesthetically beautiful . Camden Rose also has wooden bowls and spoons. Remember to seal your wood items with natural, food safe beeswax.

bisphenol A
Envinonment California found leaching of bisphenol A (BPA) in Avent, Dr.Brown, Evenflo, Gerber, and Playtex bottles. BPA has become controversial because it is linked to breast and prostate cancer and neurobehavioral changes in the offspring exposed in the womb. Parents are choosing alternatives such as: glass bottles, stainless steal sippy cups, and BPA-free plastic bottles. Z Recommends sorts through the baby bottles and sippy cups. They recommend bottles by Born Free, MAM, and Adiri, breast pumps and supplies by Medela and Mother's Milkmate, and sippy cups by Born Free, Klean Kanteen, Thermos, and SIGG. See their chart below

Health & Beauty products update: We use a mixture of 1 T baking soda + 2 T water for our shampoo. My little one also has ultra sensitive skin and for years we struggled with this, until I discovered olive oil soap.
My last comment really touches on getting the power in back in our hands. I never thought that products to me sold could and would be unsafe, full of chemicals, toxins, lead and/or carcinogens. Think twice before you decide where to spend your money.
My last comment really touches on getting the power in back in our hands. I never thought that products to me sold could and would be unsafe, full of chemicals, toxins, lead and/or carcinogens. Think twice before you decide where to spend your money.