Wednesday, March 10, 2010

shades of green

i just love this time of year, birds chirping with the rising sun, the morning sun filling our house with rainbows and warming our faces, and blooms and buds starting to peak up everywhere. with the last piles of snow melting, we are almost ready to welcome spring and all the beautiful shades of green it brings. from the vibrant, chartreuse greens, a perfect combination of green and yellow, to the rich, velvety moss green.

it's can be wonderful to bring some of the outside in. some trimmings from a flowering tree or maybe making a garden dish. originally inspired here and here, by carol petrash's book, earthways, in making our garden dishes. this year, we started working with modeling beeswax, so that will be a fun way to add to our garden dish.

i have a fun little bird's nest project, i'll be sharing tomorrow. come back and see.

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