Tuesday, June 2, 2009

cycles of life

My little one is at a great age to understand and recognize the cycles of life happening around us. We have had a change to grow some flower seeds inside and I hope to get some tomato plants & basil in. It's great for little ones to care for and tend to a garden. My little one loved these vibrant orange tomatoes, 'Sungold'. Usually, she passes on tomatoes, but I think she found these fun to pick right off the vine and eat. I was hoping on expanding our garden but that is just not going to happen this year. We have lots going on with the new baby and I have yet to plant my perennials from Mother's Day.

We are still working on hosting the cycles of monarch butterflies in our garden.
For any butterfly, you need to have the both host plants and nectar plants. The monarch butterfly's host plants are: bloodflower, wild milkweed and swamp milkweed. It's nectar plant is orange butterfly weed. I plan on adding some other types of milkweed in our garden, in addition to the swamp milkweed we already have. This butterfly cycle is from Anne Moze.

We have yet to get down to the pond, but when we do, it will be a regularly request trip. It's nice to pack up a lunch, a bucket & a butterfly net and head down. The pond offers so many opportunities for discovery. At home, this frog cycle from Mama Kopp is a favorite.

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