Friday, September 5, 2008

Preschool Art Boxes

We utilized the dried up paint in my little ones paint containers. I took a pair of blunt scissors and scraped the sides of the paint containers. My little one shook out the shavings on her paper and then sprayed water on the dried paint. She really enjoyed this project. 

We have a few boxes of craft supplies in our house. One box contains smaller supplies and one's that are best used with some supervision - like beads, confetti, and glitter. Two boxes are within my little ones reach, so she could access them whenever she wants. One box is labeled "Paint" and the other "Create". As she grows older, I am able to offer more supplies that I feel she could safely handle if I were not in the room. The "paint" box has paints, watercolors, foam shapes, popsicle sticks, a variety of paint brushes, some rubber cooking basting brushes ($1.00 at the dollar store), a set of 3 alex art funky texture brushes, and my little one's absolute favorite, a mini paint roller. The "create" box has paper, scissors, strips of paper, glue, google eyes, popsicle sticks, unfinished wood pieces, pipe cleaners, stamps, and small offerings of paper confetti, beads, buttons, and pom poms.

Here are some of today's masterpieces.

Someone is getting ready for Halloween. Already? 

Created with the mini paint roller with her fingers and popsicle sticks creating cool impressions. 

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