Saturday, September 6, 2008

First day of school

Looks like we are off to a good start. We can only hope that this year will be different (our little one had negative feelings about school all last year). Some thought my little one just wanted to be with me, as I have been home with her. I feel that our path was one where she grew into exploring and discovering on her own, have confidence in her decision making and knowing she had my unconditional love and support. Looking back, my thoughts are that the classroom environment was not thought out or prepared for the little ones, maybe there were not enough new things to explore and discover and learn. I also feel the schedule might have been too ridged and too scheduled for my little one. 

This year, I signed my little one up for school 4 days before the start of school. It was a tough decision. I felt that after this year we will be able to better determine if this school's setting and scheduling is right for our little one. 

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