Monday, March 3, 2008

We made it outside

We enjoyed our afternoon outside. The sun was out and the weather was mild. We played in a sunny spot of the side of our garage. We discovered our shadows and some moss on our rock border. We had a really good time. The snow is melting quickly, but we still managed to get in a few sled rides with what we have left. Daddy made a little snow hill in the yard, which makes a quick little ride and a tough picture to capture. We had a little stream meandering through the snow. My little one had so much fun in the mud puddles. She jumped in all of them and was soaking wet. 

Going outside after lunch is working out perfect. After that, we come in for a little snack and a nap. Our days are running smoothly. We have some rhythm to our day. Something, we have lost since my little one started school. 

This brings me to think for about the rhythm of our week. I am going to try this and see how it works. 
Monday- drawing or modeling day
Tuesday- gardening day
Wednesday- nature craft
Thursday- surprise day
Friday- chopping vegetables and making soup day
Saturday- baking bread or muffins day
Sunday- watercolor day

I also wanted to mention that Oprah's webcast about Eckhart Tolle's book, "A New Earth", is on tonight. 

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