Monday, March 3, 2008

Nature's toys, not lipstick

I am not one for ice cold weather, I like the warmth of the indoors. These last few days of playing in the snow has made me realize that I am been sheltering myself and my little one inside too much. I am making a conscious effort to get us outside. 

One of my favorite books has become "Earthways" by Carol Petrash. The winter section talks about creating an indoor play space with natural materials. Natural elements such as, stones, branches, shells, acorns, seed pods, nuts, pine cones, and crystals offer open-ended play that allow our little one's imagination and creativity to flourish. So, I started sharing a story about being in the forest on a snowy day... As my little one engaged, I allowed myself to sit back and enjoy the moment. The polished stones became the songbirds that frequent our feeder. What a beautiful story.

It is wonderful to go on a little walk with your little one and collect natural material that are right in your back yard. But, also adding material for your little one to discover is also another part of creating a play space.

Last night, we had asparagus. The ends of the asparagus made great paint brushes. 

Thinking of purple asparagus from White Flower Farm. Basil, dill, cilantro and herbs for these space saving planters from pottery barn. I wonder if my husband would be up for building something similar. I already know what he is thinking. 

This afternoon, as I write my post, my daughter is enjoying going through an old drawer full of make-up and jewelry. I maybe put on make-up once a week, since my little one was born, which has been more of a change that others are having a hard time with more so than myself. I have changed, motherhood will change you. Putting on make-up, styling my hair and accessorizing was part of my regular routine. It was so liberating to finally realize that I did not have to put on make-up everyday. And that it does not define who I am. I want that for my daughter, too. I want her to wear make-up if she wants to but not because she thinks she needs to or should do. 

Now, my daughter is crying about keeping my lipstick and she now found nail polish, too.

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