Saturday, May 29, 2010

a fairy garden

:: we gathered materials around the house for the past few days for our fairy garden. she gathered some beach rocks gifted from great grandmother for our walkway, a larger shell to hold water, gems, painted mushrooms rocks, marbles, acorn caps and wind chimes. i love hearing her imagination take flight. 

we also headed to the nursery for a shade flower and an accessory (or two). lastly, we gathered some moss from around the yard and the finishing touch was some mica chips that my little one ground down. i had no idea what she was doing but i sat back. and a great lesson and experience unfolded in time. 

i originally thought i would buy a fairy house like this, or make one like this or that, but my little one really enjoys making fairy houses so leaving it open allows her more opportunity for play. another lesson for me, to sit back and let things unfold.

what things do you children put out for the fairies?


  1. Lovely :) The kids at preschool went on a fairy garden or fairy world making blitz several months back and it was magical to see. We would often combine it with a nature walk to collect 'treasures', and it also went off in lots of other directions: making fairy puppets, writing letters to fairies, making signs for the fairy garden. Lots of fun and lots of learning!

  2. Hers are much better than any one that could be bought. Very nice sketch too! Zach leave rocks wrapped in leaves for the fairies all over the marina. :)

  3. fairies + imaginative play. that sounds so wonderful jenny!

    boatbaby- our two, one day they *have* to meet one other. my heart experiences so much joy when i see imaginative and creative play. i remember A gifting our neighbor with some rocks wrapped up in leaves. the neighbor did not know what to say, a thank you came out:)

  4. We love making fairy gardens -- we just made mini ones in little salad bowls for each of my daughters' teachers as end of the year teacher gifts. They had a great time and the teachers loved them!

    So glad I found your blog, we are kindred crafty spirits and would have wonderful playdates and garden tea parties with our girls.

    pink and green mama
