Saturday, December 19, 2009

parcels in winter

:: one of my most looked forward to threads on the mothering boards have been regarding books. i love mothers coming together to share their favorite books to mark the seasons or celebrations with their children and family. lovely books to celebrate winter and wonderful classics that i feel blessed to have found and be able to share with my little ones. especially the out-of-print books, which i would not have discovered on my own. it is a wonderful feeling to be apart of keeping these stories alive and be able to pass them on.

the beauty of buying used books is that your parcels trickling in a lovely manner. some books will be wrapped and tucked nicely under the tree and other's have been enjoyed on cozy, snuggly, hot chocolate-filled afternoons. winter stories we have enjoyed in the past like 'twas the night before christmas, owl moon, the big snow, the snowman, stranger in the woods, and stone soup. and a few new stories to read and share togther, like, night tree, when winter comes, snow tree, the christmas magic, the story of the snow children, frog, bee and snail look for snow and baking bread with children. i shared some pictures of a new favorite book by tasha tudor's, a time to keep. what are you favorite books for the season?

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