Wednesday, November 25, 2009

thinking about making a quilt

i was thinking about making a quilt. one of those 2 in the morning, sleep deprived ideas. and i thought it would be nice if i made a quilt for my little guy. first let me say that i have not used a sewing machine since the eighth grade. and then i though, i'll start with a doll quilt first, for my daughter's doll. maybe for christmas. and then i started looking at fabrics. ...and the fabrics. i never saw so many beautiful fabrics. i love how they play together. i love the mixing and matching. and for me the ever perfectionist who has worked hard at letting go. and i have let go of many things. but a quilt, those really straight lines and deciding on the fabrics. this quilt could set me back. oh, i could be deciding on the fabrics for a year. and it probably would be more work than i could take on at this time. for my 8 month old little guy is still nursing like a newborn. i am just waiting for him to get up, but i'll leave you with this amazingly beautiful quilt over at willy-nilly. Isn't it lovely and inspiring??

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