:: my little one is really enjoying her finger knitting. the yarn is going over so well that i was searching for other activities for her to do. earthways is just a wonderful resource for seasonal activities. the book has some instructions on pom pom balls, yarn dolls and weaving between a V-shaped branch. i also was inquiring about other activities that we could do with yarn over on the mothering boards. there were some great suggestions. here they are:
yarn apples and yarn pumpkins
pom pom balls
yarn dolls
wrapping yarn around a vase
god's eyes
weaving between V-shaped branch
cardboard weaving
5 finger knitting
chain with a crochet hook
knitting nancy
my search brought me upon homemade yarn ornaments. martha stewart had a few lovely suggestions: pom pom ornaments, yarn snowflake ornaments, yarn tassels ornaments, and a christmas star. By wrapping yarn around a donut shaped cardboard piece, you will make a yarn wreath and if you wrap some cookie cutters with yarn you will get lots of fun shaped ornaments.
Please let me know if you have any other activities or christmas ornaments to share to the list.
Thanks for the ideas! My 5 yr old loves knitting, but hasn't quite got it down yet. She loves working with yarn just like mommy!