Monday, September 21, 2009

going into autumn

:: i love this time of year. with the crisp mornings, the warm sparkling afternoon sun, the soft ruffling sounds of the grasses in the breeze. and as the colors of summer fade, a display of vibrant warm hues comes into play.

:: the hydrangeas brings warm fiery reds to my little ones "rainforest". a beautiful lime green is hiding on the underside of the flowers.

:: "butterfly, butterfly, butterfly" is said with excitement. butterflies were scarce this summer around here. i think we are really able to experience the wonder and beauty of these graceful creatures more than in the years past.

tomorrow is the first day of autumn. i am planning on going up to the farm stand to get some apple cider and indian corn. indian corn is one of the highlight of my little ones daily autumn activities. lots of indian corn love here and here. the corn gets sorted and poured, baked into muffins and stews and some goes for feeding the animals. i also have a sweet little wool indian corn necklace from rosemary for remembrance.

Enjoy your first day of Autumn!

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