Friday, June 26, 2009


My little girl started one of her three classes this summer - ballet. A new ballerina in the neighborhood peaked her interest in ballet. The others will be gymnastics and swimming (2 weeks). While, it is a busy schedule and more than I would have liked, it is what it is. As my little one has taken on new interests, I feel happy that we are able to provide her the opportunity to try something new.

I will say that it is so joyful to see her enjoying the classes. Being able to watch her in her ballet class is also a treat, knowing that if she continues with ballet to a studio, the parents are left in the waiting room, so I am soaking in every moment. It is also interesting to be off of the stage and see her work through her feelings from a far.
As a former dancer, dancing helped me express myself, taught me discipline, and most importantly, I feel dancing helped me form a positive self-image. Dancing was a very important and a positive part of my childhood.

Music was also important and that being said, a sad goodbye to a man who's music was part of some fond childhood memories - my mother taking me to his concert, making up decades of dance routines with friends, and my husband moonwalking (LOL).

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