Thursday, April 2, 2009

A little natural play area

Daddy constructed a little natural play area for our little ones with tree stumps, rocks, and a digging area in our yard. It came out great!!! (stop back to see some pics) Our little girl was so excited to help out Daddy with the project and even more excited to start playing in the area - hopping from stump to stump, jumping off the stumps, sitting on the stumps and digging in the dirt. In between the stumps is the perfect area to plant some fun smelling herbs, maybe lemon thyme, orange thyme, pineapple sage, and some mint (apple mint). I'll have to do a little research as I am looking for some low growing herbs for this area. I also would like to plant some vines to camouflage our chain link fence. Maybe a combination of 2 types of perennial vines that would attract hummingbirds and/or butterflies, full sun, zone 6a and most importantly be child and dog friendly. Any thought or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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