Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Healthy rhythms
In these last few weeks before I welcome my new baby, I am trying to work on maintaining a healthy rhythm for myself and my family. Allowing myself a balance of rest, mental activity, and physical activity. These days there is a little more rest and more mental activity than physical activity, for walking up the stairs can leave me winded.
Also, finding a little time for myself has been important. It gives me a chance to refresh and to come back to my family with more energy, more patience, and more of myself. This has been something I have struggled with for the entire time I have been home with my little one (almost 5 years.) It is hard not to feel guilty, but, when I come return from some Mommy time, I have much more to give.
I feel staying conscious of my little one's rhythm is going to be very important as our family dynamic will be changing. A healthy rhythm will provide her with comfort and security. While, I may not be able to control what time the new baby wakes the house up, I will be going back to a weekly rhythm. Maybe a seasonal nature/science activity, baking, painting, drawing, gardening and cleaning. I will also be planning more seasonal songs, finger play and verses, as my little one has graduated from her music class. This will also give us a chance to have some time together, just her and I. I'll be getting a list of spring songs, verses, and fingerplays together. What are some of your Spring favorites??
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