Friday, February 6, 2009

A baby on the way

Wow, time sure does fly by. I have 4 weeks until I welcome my second baby. I have been telling everyone that I have 6 weeks for the last few weeks. So, reality has set in. I can't believe I have 4 weeks left!!! It is so exciting. I also have lots to do.

I did plan on organizing my entire house, well that did not happened with my broken collarbone. And now, I just lack the energy. I am so lucky that my mother wanted to help out. She is the queen organizer, exactly what my small house needs to bring back that zen environment and get ready for our new baby. Plus, I needed some help to really just part ways with some things. We did our bedroom and next will be the downstairs, the real heart of our house.

To help me find some balance, I also picked up an old book to read again, A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle. Chapter 1. Experience the wonder of every moment. Be the space of wonder and beauty and presence. Every breath is a miracle. Be in a sense of awe....

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