Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Growing and growing

:: My little one's seeds have sprouted. It's great to see the roots through the glass jar and to be able to notice the growth each day. The daily watering is a favorite of my little one. Next time, I'm going to try some wheatgrass, which is fun for the little ones because the wheatgrass likes to be trimmed.

:: Speaking of growing. Someone else has been growing and growing and growing and ... Well, you get my point.

With two months until we welcome our little baby, we thought it would be good idea to gradually start bringing out some things for the baby. Today, we brought out the crib. Daddy put it together with some help from Av. I think keeping her involved in the entire process is going be important. The other day she told me that she loves the baby more than anything. More than her toys and books. Now, that's a lot of love.

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