Saturday, December 6, 2008

St. Nicholas & Advent cones

I was able to get some Advent cones made and decorated with some big help from my little one. After the cones were made, she could not wait to decorate them. The new holiday confetti shapes were a big hit.

These pictures were made before some of the cones were assembled. I had to keep a few as keepsakes.

The Advent cones were hung after my little one was tucked in. She spotted her Advent cones and a few little gifts from St. Nicholas as soon as the sun rose and lit this area of our house. Yes, she rose before the sun. Ready for a sleep over, Mom?

The little elves left some kernels of corn in her Advent cone, for a holiday movie night. At first, the kernels were not going over so well, someone was expecting a toy. And, then there was excitement as she ran to tell Dad what the little elves had left for her.

I tried to keep the Advent small and simple, mostly incorporating seasonal activities for the family to enjoy together.

Just a few little things from St. Nicholas - an apple, some nuts, and a chocolate treat to reinforce his spirit of giving simply.

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