Friday, November 7, 2008

Baskets of Waldorf

When I first came across Waldorf, I really was attracted to the natural, simplicity of the toys. I could understand how a child's imagination would take flight by using a simple, less-formed toy verse a formed, specific toy. Right up my alley, but would my child play with it?

I was recommended a few toys which I purchased. My little one was about 3 years old and they were a 35x35 rainbow playsilk, a Grimm's Spiel and Holz natural stacking and nesting bowl set and a Grimm's rainbow stacking tunnel.

The playsilks are wonderful for dressing up and pretending. They could be capes, dresses, veils, fairy skirts, flying carpets, and they were great for playing peek-a-boo games. Later on, the playsilks become part of building forts, teepees, caves, and "secret hideouts". Smaller play silks are utilized on nature tables and for in building landscaped as blue playsilks become ponds and streams, and other colored playsilks can become fields, and meadows. Playsilks make wonderful doll blankets.

The nesting bowls have been the most used toy by far. My little one used them for gathering, sorting, collecting and organizing her nature walk treasures. They were stacked up many times and in many ways with building blocks and the rainbow stacking tunnel.

The rainbow tunnel were played with quite a lot at the time. They were tunnels, bridges, and caves. They also have been toadstools, chairs, beds, hammocks, rocking chairs, and homes for smaller dolls, animals, gnomes, and fairies.

With these less formed toys, I really saw my little one's creative play change and her imagination take flight. We also grabbed a basket when we went for our usual walk around the neighborhood. We put her basket of collected pine cones on her bookshelf and started a nature table or seasonal table. Shortly after, my little one stood up 3 pine cones, for each member of her fam
ily during play. I was really amazed. With a few trips to some thrift stores for baskets and some nature walks, we collecting all different natural materials: rocks, sticks, shells, leaves, acorns, seed pods, and flowers. All these natural elements enhanced her play. Later, sanded tree stumps, yarn dolls, tree nuts, wooden eggs, and playsilks filled more baskets. Here are some images from Waldorf Kindergarten rooms that I found:

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