Friday, September 19, 2008

The star within

The Apple Star
Take an apple round and red
Don't slice down
Slice through instead
Right inside it, you will see
A star as pretty as can be!

Cutting an apple horizontally reveals a hidden star. The apples we picked last week were delicious - early MacIntosh apples are a childhood love. We'll have to stop by the orchard up the road to pick up another 1/2 peck. My little one is looking forward to making caramel apples and baking whole apples stuffed with walnuts, raisins, and dates. One of my favorite seasonal books, Earthways by Carol Petrash, details wonderful apple recipes and crafts. It is a great resource for seasonal activities and nature crafts for the family and young children.

Humm, what's hiding under the acorn cap?

An apple, of course. These acorns caps are huge and my little one loves hiding little treasures underneath them. I found them last year on ebay and they have been a fun addition to her play.

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