Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring rain

Spring rain
from Sing a Song of Seasons

Pitter patter, pitter patter, listen to the rain
Knocking on the window sill and on the window pane
Slowly creeping snail, the grass the flowers the grain
The birds up in the treetops
The frogs upon his lilly pad
Gree-dip gree-dip, gree-dip
And the children love the rain
Splashing in puddles
Splashy, splashy, wet
Splashing in the puddles
How wet can we get
All the earth loves the rain
Pitter patter, pitter patter
Listen to the rain
Pitter patter, pitter patter
Pitter patter, pitter patter
The sun comes out again

We really love this collection of 48 songs that follows the seasons of the year. It's great. There is a cd but we tend to come up with our own melody.

We needed our rain boots today. As we stepped out the door, my little one mentioned that she had on her rain boots and now she could jump in puddles. Well not exactly... but after school is a different story. ... How wet can we get! ... This song is meant from her.

After school, as soon as she came outside, she ran down the sidewalk and jump right in a puddle. Boy was that fun!!! At home, I barely caught a picture as she ran around the yard.

Food for our feathered friends

Her Matryoshka doll snuggled in to a flower bowl and nest.

And now my little one cuddles with her blanket. Can you see the silk in threads??? This is her third blanket and we are ready to get her a new one. The only little problem.... she loves this one.

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