Monday, March 10, 2008

To Great Grandmother's house we go

I have many fond memories with my grandparents. I am very happy that my little one is having the opportunity to spend time with her Great Grandmother. Activities at my Grandmother and my Grandfather centered around the yard and garden. They still do today, as well. 

We helped Great Grandmother with some spring clean-up and found lots of treasures along the way. The most interesting was some sap from her weeping cherry tree. The amber just sparkled in the sunlight. 

I should have taken a picture of Great Grandma. I am not sure she would have wanted me to because she had a few rollers in her hair. When, I was little she would go to the store with her head full of rollers. Whether it is a few rollers or an entire head full of rollers, the rollers come out every Monday. 

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