Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Easter, a transition in my house from the candy filled baskets to the celebration of new life. Our celebration started weeks before the holiday. We went on nature walks and discovered nature emerge from hibernation - crocuses blooming, moss growing, a few ants enjoying an orange, robins returning, and pussy willows budding. We discovered the wind, as we have been invited to play with our streamers and pinwheels, blow bubbles, and listen to our wind chimes. We played in the puddles, dug for worms and jumped into a little stream. We brought nature in by creating a garden dish with the moss and planting some clover, forget-me-nots and basil. We visited some bunnies and experienced maple syrup being made. We made songs up about bunnies, spring, and jumping in the stream. As Easter grew near, we searched for bunny tracks, painted wooden Easter eggs, and planned to naturally dye our Easter eggs. 

Easter, also, brought, it's share of frustration, as I struggle with what I want for my little one and what I had as a child. Moving past the more is better syndrome and the commercialism of the holiday. I am met with resistance from family members. Come on folks, the holiday is not about overfilling the baskets with candy and it isn't about giving the child a belly ache. 

I want my daughter's mind, body and soul to be nurtured. I want the holiday to be remembered for sharing it with loved ones. I want to reestablish the magic and wonder of the holiday ... and of life. 

We continue our discoveries as we go on nature walks and notice flowers and life emerging around us. We watch the sparrows, who are building a home in our bird house. We examine nesting materials of a found bird house. We create opportunities for our little one to be a participant in nature, as we fill the bird feeders with seeds, put water in the bird bath, and nurture vegetables and flowers from seed. We create the opportunities that will allow her mind, body, and spirit to blossom. 

Now, with her basket empty and the distraction of candy gone, her pot of daffodils remains. She cares for the little daffodils, waters them, counts the flowers, examines the cup of the flower, discovers the specks of pollen, feels the smooth leaves, and discovers new flowers blooming. Candy verses daffodil bulbs, it is not even a close race. 

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