Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Colors of flowers
Snowgirl in July
A snowgirl in July. Aside from our 90 degree weather, it sounds about right in the world of play.
Little, Little Snowman
A little, little snowman had a carrot for a nose
Along came a bunny and what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny was looking for his lunch
And he ate that snowman's carrot nose...
Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!
Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman
Once there was a snowman tall, tall, tall
Then the sun it melted, melted, melted
And made the snowman small, small, small
The Wintery Wind
The winter wind blows
The winter wind blows
It gives me the shivers
From my head to my toes
Snowflakes Falling Down
Snowflakes falling down, down, down
Falling on the ground, ground, ground
Great, big white flakes, flakes, flakes
That do not make a sound, sound, sound (whisper)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Leaf prints
Leaf prints - we gathered different leaves and even maple seeds for our nature inspired art project today. With just the right amount of paint, the veining of the leaf is revealed.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
To the land of magical things
Little friends
Little holes
A little love
Little treasures
It is fun to explore with her and lead her to little treasures that I have discovered. Most of the time, Mother Earth, keeps us busy but every now and then a special package arrives that I hope will encourage discovery and exploration.
A order from montessoriresources.com
- Sunprint kit
- Bug viewer
- Rainbow sled kite (for a trip to the beach)
- Wooden tangram puzzle
- A wooden slide whistle, a croaking toad, egg shaker, a spin drum and a stirring xylophone to inspire musical adventures.
- Jeweled mirror
- A sense of wonder book series
I also purchased some of their book recommendations over at amazon.com, which included: Stone Soup, Hands Can, Seven Blind Mice, Be My Neighbor, All the Colors of the Rainbow, What's the Weather Today, and A Little Peace.
Not sure where our adventure will take us as we explore the things we encounter "off the beaten path".
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Throwing Mud
My little one tried her hand at throwing some mud today. It takes lots of practice to center the clay on the wheel. Next time, I think we'll make some pitch pots or even a rope pot. Before the mud was wiped from her face, she was off....
... to play in a huge mud puddle in front of her "rainforest". Our overgrown hydrangea bushes, which I think may be original to our house, have been a huge part of outdoor play. Her pal, Bernie, seems to always be by her side these days.
A baby Tufted Titmouse waiting for it's mother.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Strawberry Picking
'Tis the season for strawberry picking. The season is drawing to an end, so the berries are so small and so sweet.
Pickin' up strawberries, put 'em in the basket
Pickin' up strawberries, put 'em in the basket
Pickin' up strawberries, put 'em in the basket
Way down yonder in the strawberry patch
An eye catching wildflower in the strawberry patch, an vibrant orange jewelweed.
Moose tracks heading to the water supply
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Struggling through the day
Tickle, tickle
The day was off to a great start. Some tickle time with my little one, then she was off to make sea shell soup.